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Making Disciples
Welcome to Making Disciples
Introduction (6:01)
Tips and Considerations (4:00)
Study 01 - Seeking Jesus
Big Idea (4:39)
God Wants Seekers - Jeremiah 29:11-13 & Acts 8:26-40 (9:08)
Identity of Jesus - John 1:1-5, 14, 18 (3:07)
Jesus in Action - 5 Passages in Mark (13:39)
Jesus the Way, Truth and Life - John 14:1-6 (2:32)
God Made You to Seek Him - Acts 17:24-28 (5:56)
Study 02 - The Word of God
Big Idea (2:43)
The Origin of the Scriptures - 2 Peter 1:20-21 (2:15)
I. The Purpose of the Word of God - 2 Tim 3:16-17, 1 Tim 4:15-16, Rom 10:17 (7:41)
II. The Power of the Word of God - Heb 4:12-13, John 8:31-32 (7:47)
III. The Priority of the Word of God - Matt 15:1-9, Acts 17:10-12, John 12:47-48 (10:47)
Conclusion (3:41)
Study 03 - Sin
Big Idea (9:05)
Light and Darkness - 1 Peter 2:9-10 (5:49)
I. What is Sin and What are its Consequences? Is 59:1-2, Rom 3:23-25 (11:17)
II. What Does Sin Look Like? Gal 5:19-21, 2 Tim 3:1-5, Jam 4:17 (7:57)
III. Our Attitude Toward Sin - Romans 6:23 (4:04)
Conclusion - James 5:16 (4:20)
Study 04 - Faith and the Cross of Christ
Big Idea (3:34)
The Cost of Sin - Rom 3:23, 25 (2:48)
The Cross - Mark 14:26-16:8 (14:25)
Justified By Faith - Rom 4:23-5:2 (3:14)
Conclusion (2:44)
Study 05 - Repentance
Big Idea (4:34)
Receiving The Gift - Rom 6:23 (1:30)
Pentecost & The New Covenant - Acts 1:1-5, 2:1-4, 22-24, 36-41 (16:17)
The Importance of Repentance - Lk 13:1-5 (2:26)
Four Characteristics of Repentance - Acts 26:19-20, Mk 9:42-48, 2 Cor 7:8-11, Acts 3:17-19 (17:22)
Conclusion (2:01)
Study 06 - Discipleship
Big Idea (3:18)
Jesus Wants Disciples - Mt 18:18-20, Acts 11:25-26 (4:32)
Disciples Make Disciples - Mk 1:14-18 (5:32)
The Cost of Discipleship - Lk 9:23-26, 14:25-33 (11:26)
Disciples Will Be Persecuted - Mk 3:20-22, 31-35 (9:19)
Disciples Love God and One Another - Lk 11:1-4, Jn 13:34-35 (5:23)
Conclusion (3:58)
Study 07 - Baptism
Big Idea (3:01)
I. Why Baptism? - Mt 28:18-20, Acts 2:36-39 (4:45)
II. What is Baptism? - Jn 3:1-7, Rm 6:1-7, Ac 22:6-16, 1 Pt 3:18-22 (21:02)
III. How is One Baptized? - Col 2:12-13 (2:56)
Conclusion - Acts 8:26-40 (5:05)
Study 08 - The Church
Big Idea (5:30)
I. The Foundation of the Church - Col 1:15-18, Eph 2:19-21, 4:1-6 (9:48)
II. Relationships in the Church - 1 Cor 12:12-31, 2 Cor 6:14-7:1, Heb 3:12-13 (15:22)
III. The Purpose of the Church - Heb 10:23-25, 2 Cor 9:6-8, Acts 2:42-47 (11:54)
Conclusion (1:38)
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